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4 Surprising Consequences of Not Washing Your Roof

October 5, 2023

It's strongly recommended that you hire a residential or commercial roof cleaning service to clean your roof every one to two years, or as needed when there is visible residue or organic plant growth, according to Bob Vila. Roof washing isn't something the average person regularly does, but there can be many consequences if you fail to do so. Here are four surprising consequences of not washing your roof.

1. Your Roof Can Appear Faded and Worn

Dirt, dust, pollen, and smog regularly float or fly around in the air. Many of these particles can settle on your roof. On a hot day, the sun essentially starts to bake these items into your roofing materials. In turn, this build-up makes your roof look faded or worn, even if it isn't that old. Residential and commercial roof cleaning can remove this caked-on residue, making your roof look nearly as good as new.

2. The Roof Can Develop Unsightly Streaks or Stains

Algae, moss, or other types of organic plant life can start to grow on your roof. When it rains, green, black, gray, or yellow streaks can be left behind on your roof. Additionally, other items, such as bird feces, can stain your roof. Occasional residential or commercial roof cleaning helps to remove these streaks, spots, and stains.

3. Your Energy Bill Can Increase

One of the lesser-known consequences of not washing your roof is an increase in your energy bill. Cleaning helps to remove algae, which retains heat. This means that on a hot day, algae can heat up, causing your home to actually be hotter inside. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, a spike in your energy bill can be caused by heat-retaining algae on an unwashed roof.

4. The Lifespan of Your Roof Can Be Shortened

Lastly, if you fail to regularly clean your roof, it can affect the lifespan of your roofing materials. Ultimately, this can decrease the lifespan of your roof. Your roof may need more repairs or may need to be replaced sooner simply because you didn't clean it.

The most effective way to clean roofs is through a technique known as soft washing. This is basically pressure washing with less pressure, so your roofing materials don't become damaged. If you need residential or commercial roof cleaning, now is the perfect time to schedule an appointment. Reach out to The Wash Doctors LLC today to get your free quote.

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